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Thank you for your Raquel Underwood oil painting purchase! May your original, one-of-a-kind artwork give you many years of enjoyment!

All paintings are one of a kind, original, and oil on canvas or board. Most paintings arrive unframed. A few are  custom framed, which is included in the price and noted. Some paintings are painted on the sides and some are not.


There may be small differences in color and brightness due to screen settings and photography. There may also be small differences in dimensions which have been rounded to the nearest 1/2" for simplicity.


All paintings have a protective UV varnish; the only care they require is periodic light dusting. All paintings are wire mounted and ready to hang.



​Shipping cost includes a custom-built art box, USPS, UPS, or FedEx shipping fees, and insurance. You will be notified upon shipment with tracking information. Your art box is cushioned, puncture resistant, and reusable.


The 2 to 3 week delivery is an estimate and includes the time it takes to build your custom art box for shipping. Thank you for your patience!



Yes, I can send a painting as a gift! Please email me specifics and/or add a note at checkout; no price will be on invoice receipt in box.


Yes, I do commissions! Email me an image at and let's chat!



You must be more than 100% satisfied with your art purchase, so please contact me with any issues upon receipt.


Returns are accepted within 15 days of receipt, but shipping costs both directions are non-refundable.




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